All is about HELLO KITTY

18/04/2014 (Friday)

Yesterday night when I was went back from exam hall after having Entrepreneurship mid term...
and saw one of my friend posted about hello kitty's room at Taiwan...
It looks nice and beautiful... and one of the most important thing is...
It is 'PINKY'.. The room is decorated fully with hello kitty...
Including the wall, bed sheet, table lamp, room shoes and etc..
All of these are full of hello kitty and it is pink in colour..
Pink, one of my favourite colour..

Previously, someone asked me the reason I fall in love to Hello Kitty...
It does not have mouth... It does not look cute and don't even know how to smile..
At the moment, I was hesitated and replied them that the reason I will love to hello kitty due to its colour, Pink colour.. and that's all..
So until now.. I still love pink colour very much because it looks sweet and relax...
Even when I went for shopping and bought something, all of them better in pink colour...
I will choose pink colour as my first choice...

Let back to the main topic for this blog...
I went to search the place that one of my friend stayed during her Taiwan trip...
Finally I got it.. and the photos made me felt excited and I listed it as my 'MUST-GO' travel destination, Taiwan....
The place is named as ' 逢甲馨之宿' and it only costs 1080 in Taiwan money..
Quiet love it when first time I saw it and wish to have my hello kitty room in one day...

It looks sweet, isn't it?? That's the reason why I love pink colour very much....

There is another staying place at Taiwan with hello kitty theme... 
It also named as ' 逢甲秘密旅行'... I think both of it are located in the same city area..
Ya,  looks sweet again, right?? If I could have this room in my life, how better is it??
I plan to decorate it with hello kitty for my future house...

Hello Kitty, Pink Colour... They made my night sweet.... 

Black Valentine's Day

14/04/2014 (Monday)

Another valentine's day in April....
Nothing special happens to me and it is still a normal day for me...
Went to class on 10am and had Japanese Language Listening Test 1 this morning...

The photos in above... I decorated it with colour papers and sticked it with double-sided...
Just a simple frame that I done for myself as present for this month valentine's day...
Actually, I'm preparing for our 3rd year anniversary present... and there are extra photos I washed out..
So just have this kind of idea to decorate the photos with the simple frame and put it on my hostel's table...
Just treat it as a motivation when I feel tired and bored in my studies in my room...

Back to my 3rd year anniversary present...
After having various ideas from internet and google, I had decided to do something which would be memorable thing in our relationship...and I think this kind of present is the most' must-have' present to every couple...It is not expensive because it doesn't spend a lot of money...
But, it uses a lot of time to think the way to decorate it and the messages you want to convey...
A simple yet full of memories present...Hopefully, my dear can like it and keep it nicely after got it...
But then, I won't say out what kind of 'must-have' present that I'm preparing now...
Keep it as secret first.... (If not, there is no surprise from me to him )
Stay turned until next month,May....

Okie lar, I'll stop at here because have to do revision again after take a break ...
Coz I'm having Management Accounting's midterm on tomorrow evening ...
Good luck for myself and all my friends...
And, Good Night everyone :) 

Mid Semester Break

10/04/2014 (Thursday)

读着书的当儿 突然心血来潮 跑来部落格

一个星期假期 又再那样地过去了
是因为不停地考试 让我觉得累?
还是因为回去以后 要面对的不只是一连串的期中考试 还有一大堆的assignments?
但是 我只想走一步 看一步
船到桥头自然直 对吗?

一个星期的假期 当然也不会亏待自己啦
每天当然还是会睡到中午才起床 因为这种机会在大学很少有
一个星期 就有2天是8点的早课
有时候 真的很不愿意地爬起来去上课
每早电话闹钟响起时 都会关上它 继续睡觉

每个星期都有一大堆的tutorial homework要做
有时必须出去present what you had done on your tutorial homework
但 每次出去的时候 心脏还是像要跳出来那样
连舌头都打结了 有时念英文的某些字都念错
为什么我会那么没自信 会那么紧张?
大学 就是要训练你的胆量 训练你站在前面对着大家讲话的样子
进了大学 我最敬佩的就是那一大班的lecturer 
因为他们教课时 就好像和我们谈天那样 英语一流 而且完全不会怯场

其实 进来大学后 我有想象过自己以后当上lecturer的样子
因为我觉得lecturer的工作好像很轻松 就只是跟着荧幕上的字念而已
薪水又高 又不需要每个小时都在教课 每天8点上班 5点下班

这个学期 拿了7个科目
读越高 就越难
但 还是要读 
因为 我们都想要毕业
还有2年的时间 要度过4次的大考 1次的internship 就要毕业了
2年 应该很快就到来了吧

下个星期的Japanese listening test, Management Accounting's midterm, 和Entrepreneurship's midterm都要好好加油...USM Second year Management students, good luck for our mid term exams... and last but not least, enjoy our holiday until maximum first before back to the reality...