Habit Art Cafe ~

21/08/2013 (Wednesday)

First Try in Alor Setar ----> Habit Art Cafe
Me and Mr.E went there on Night around 7pm..
and there was no one at there...
I felt so surprised...It seems that Mr.E was giving me a surprise on that day..
But, I know that it was not the surprise from him..Just coincidence there was no customer at there..

The ordering counter of coffee and western food were separated...
This was what I'm not satisfied for the cafe...
I had ordered the coffee named 180 degree celcius...It costs only RM9.50..
whereas Mr.E ordered other beverages...

and We needed to walk from coffee counter until behind of the cafe for ordering western food as dinner..
The menu consists only a few of western food....
and we ordered two sets of Grilled Chicken Burger...
It costs only RM11 for each set..

This is our late celebration for Uni Second Sem's exam result...
Although we did not improve in our studies compared with first sem..
But there is no retake subject for us..
So, we planned to celebrate it and enjoy our love dinner at there...
It is a romantic place for couple to have their dinner here...

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day 七夕情人节 ~

13/08/2013 (Wednesday)

这故事流传了多年 他们的爱情也值得让人间怀念~

我心中的牛郎----〉 Mr.E ~
我们 只是简简单单地爱着彼此~
简单的爱情 对我而言 才是最幸福 最快乐的~
虽然我们在一起很少给彼此惊喜 但是在一起的这两年 我很幸福~
我相信 Mr.E也很幸福~

想吃什么 他都会毫不犹豫地带我去吃~
想合照的时候 他也会配合我搞怪~
谢谢Mr.E 我知道他只想我每天都是快乐的~

人生中 有你的出现 在我的生命里
想告诉你 我很幸福 也很开心~
[我爱你] 还有[七夕情人节快乐]~