23/07/2015 (Thursday)
我 原来已经有半年没有更新这个部落格了
或许 那些当初写部落格的灵感 全都慢慢消失不见了
曾经 会投入于部落格 是因为想写出那些不敢说的东西
思想经常很负面 就认为全世界都必须听从我那样
所以当世界所发生的一切 都不如我想象的
无可否认 这半年来 发生了很多的事情
原来人生的过客真的很多 有人决定留下 有人决定离开
无需感到伤感 也无需感到不舍得
这是现实 这是人生的其中一部分
心态 很重要
心态 在于一切
心态 决定一切
如果心态不正 就算再美好的事情发生在你的身边 你也不会开心
相反 如果心态正确 就算那些琐碎的事情 也可以让你开心上一整天
把该留下的留下来 当作纪念
把不该留下的也留下来 当作教训
这半年来 除了应付学业之外 也开始慢慢规划毕业后的理想
到底 我们活在这世界上是为了什么?
有多少人有真正去好好地思考 毕业后 到底应该走怎样的路?
有人告诉我 人一定要有梦想 不然你就和咸鱼没有差别
你 开心吗?
有些人说:我不开心 因为没有人陪我吃晚餐
有些人说:我不开心 因为我没有朋友
也有些人说:我不开心 因为我‘不自由’ !我的金钱‘不自由’! 我的时间‘不自由’!因为我的早午晚餐都是被老板给的薪水来决定我要吃什么,因为我的时间都给了我的老板
梦想 我知道很多人都会说:有啊!我有梦想!我的梦想就是环游世界
对 这也是其中一个梦想
但 有多人能真正实践这个梦想呢
梦想 不是真的纯粹的[梦]和[想]而已
这半年来 慢慢参与某些的活动后 开始对人生有些希望
这一生 或许可以不必打工一辈子 也可以出人头地
因为 打工也未必能出人头地
如果打工可以让人发达 为什么还是有人愿意做生意呢
甚至有人告诉过我 毕业后 不出来做工 难道还能做什么?
曾经的我 真的就是这种心态
这半年来 我不断在寻找我到底以后要过怎样的生活
那些脑里的理想生活 我知道它浮现在我的脑海里很久很久 甚至从以前就开始想了
原来 我的人生规划里 包含了我的家人
我甚至一度的认为 我来到这世界就是要责任改变家人的生活
让一切变得更美好 更自由
我甚至有个打算 那就是在30岁的时候 就不打算再当打工族了
这一切 是否能在5年后实现呢?
有了梦想 就要有决心
决心 是一件很特别的东西
有些人 会把梦想当作每天都必须想的一件事情
久而久之 就变成了他/她的责任 想要达到的一件事情
如果一天没做到 他/她还是不会放弃
没有行动 最后还是等于‘0’
成功人的背后 究竟面对了多少的是是非非
成功人的过去 究竟跌倒了几百次
成功人的道路 究竟遇过了多少人的拒绝 冷水 不被肯定
这一些 或许有些人真的没有真正懂过吧
但也就有他们的坚持 让他们有了今天这成就
我只能说 这是他们应得的!就因为当初的选择和坚持 这一切的成就是理所当然!
我真的很感谢那些这半年来 那些我陪伴和离开的人
当然 还是有很多的负面的人 经常给于负面的鼓励
不过没关系 一切在于自己的‘心态’不是吗?
只要是你要的 就想尽办法去得到吧!
[想尽办法][想尽办法][想尽办法] !
目前 已经有一条很光亮的成功之路 在等待着我
那些陪伴着我的人 也正在等待着我
我 到底 应该伸出手 给他们吗?
我 究竟 在害怕什么呢? 拒绝 ?被人泼的冷水?
这也就是我 不敢踏出的第一步吧
Unexpected Result...Y3S1
17/02/2015 (Tuesday)
It is an unexpected day to me...
and today is USM official result day to USMers..
Woke up in the early morning, around 915am and get ready to check my result..
I had been prepared the mood to accept the worse result before this..
because I know how bad was I answered the paper during the exam..
Logged in to 'Campus Online' and first saw my CGPA...
Whoaaaa..Could not believe the CGPA has improved..
and I quickly checked for the grades of each paper..
Korean Language Level 1- A
Organizational Theory-A
Industrial Relations- A
International Management-B+
International Business- A-
Health Psychology (Minor)- A
Golf (Ko-k)- A-
and the overall GPA for that semester was 3.82...
It was so unbelievable until I kept on log in for many times...
Because I never expect this will be my result..
Lastly, never ever let your result affect your mood no matter it is good or bad...
Because result isn't everything in your life..
Succeed in studies does not mean you will b successful in your career..
Studies and career are two different things in our life..
and wish everyone of you Happy Chinese New Year and All d best in our future..
***New semester is coming soon, how come holiday passed so fast***
It is an unexpected day to me...
and today is USM official result day to USMers..
Woke up in the early morning, around 915am and get ready to check my result..
I had been prepared the mood to accept the worse result before this..
because I know how bad was I answered the paper during the exam..
Logged in to 'Campus Online' and first saw my CGPA...
Whoaaaa..Could not believe the CGPA has improved..
and I quickly checked for the grades of each paper..
Korean Language Level 1- A
Organizational Theory-A
Industrial Relations- A
International Management-B+
International Business- A-
Health Psychology (Minor)- A
Golf (Ko-k)- A-
and the overall GPA for that semester was 3.82...
It was so unbelievable until I kept on log in for many times...
Because I never expect this will be my result..
Lastly, never ever let your result affect your mood no matter it is good or bad...
Because result isn't everything in your life..
Succeed in studies does not mean you will b successful in your career..
Studies and career are two different things in our life..
and wish everyone of you Happy Chinese New Year and All d best in our future..
***New semester is coming soon, how come holiday passed so fast***
Happy Holiday~!!
30/01/2015 (Friday)
Hey Everyone, I'm back after so so long time !!!
There are a lot of things were happened during these few months...
No matter it is good or bad things to me...
But thanks god, I still survive and handle it well !!
November is my birthday month and I would like to thank for those who celebrate birthday for me..
and also thanks for the birthday present as well..
Hello Kitty cups from three pretty girls..
Hello Kitty Photo Album from my dearest sweetheart and best friends....
Hello Kitty DIY things from my best university friends...
and a VINCCI bag from my lovely man, Mr. E...
Thanks for all.. I really appreciate it very much and I will take care it properly..
Holiday ! Holiday ! Holiday !
I'm enjoying my holiday in the home...
Aim in finding the sampling promoter job or CNY promoter but I failed to find it..
Seriously, I feel myself very lack of confidence..
How come I not believe myself can do the job which requires hitting the sales target every day..
I should believe on myself but I'm not...
and at the end I give up to accept the job...
***Tears dropping****
Hey Everyone, I'm back after so so long time !!!
There are a lot of things were happened during these few months...
No matter it is good or bad things to me...
But thanks god, I still survive and handle it well !!
November is my birthday month and I would like to thank for those who celebrate birthday for me..
and also thanks for the birthday present as well..
Hello Kitty cups from three pretty girls..
Hello Kitty Photo Album from my dearest sweetheart and best friends....
Hello Kitty DIY things from my best university friends...
and a VINCCI bag from my lovely man, Mr. E...
Thanks for all.. I really appreciate it very much and I will take care it properly..
Yay!! This is my gang of university friends- Tic Tac Toe Gang...
and there are a lot of funny things created by them and sometimes I could not stop to laugh even they said out some noob noob things... Btw, I really feel glad to have them in my university life..
and I'm awaiting for our next trip to Hatyai..
and not to forget my sweetheart in my life..Thanks for accompanying me in my birthday..Hanged out to Queensbay Mall, a shopping mall which is nearby my university...
Found one cafe named "Cofferic" and ordered a piece of cake and beverages..
Anyway, thanks for the treat !! I love you my sweetheart...
Last but not least, thanks to my lovely man who is very important in my life nowadays...
Purposely driving from Alor Setar to Penang just want to celebrate my birthday and fetch me back to hometown in the night...
Although u r not a romantic guy, but everything that you did for me really touched my heart...
Spent 7 hours in shopping 4 Penang malls just want to buy a bag for me...
A thousand of ' Thanks' to you !!! and I really hope our relationship can long lasting until we are old or even passed away...Dear, I love you ...
Come to my studies...
Like many people like to say : 关关难过关关过 !!
This semester quiet tougher and I sometimes felt very stress in my assignments and presentation...
The feeling when you are standing alone in front of everyone and present your proposal in bringing local business to internationally...And somemore there is a scary lecturer who is paying fully attention to listen what you are presenting...I could not describe the feeling during that time...
Scary + Hoping the time can pass faster during your turn to present !!!
Everything was passed...include the final exam...the most torturing week in my life..
The result will b released on next week Thursday !! and I really really hope it is [LULUS]...
Good luck to all USMers !!!
Another gang of friend- SIAO KIA GANG !!!
And some of us are staying in Penang, so we decided to come out to pass the last day of 2014 together at Karpal Singh Drive...
It was a sleepless night and we spent our whole night in eating very late supper, went to friend's room, sent friend to Penang Airport and enjoyed the breakfast at Air Itam...
It was a memorable countdown for me this year !! and it was also my first time have the chance to come out whole night with friends because my parents were not allowed me to do so in hometown..
So sad ><!!!! and I'm a "Cinderella" in their heart !!! hahahaha...
Once again, Welcome to ALOR SETAR..TIC TAC TOE GANG!!
Hope you all really enjoy this half day trip after having the final exam...
and, Happy One Month Holiday to you all...see you all on Feb..
Holiday ! Holiday ! Holiday !
I'm enjoying my holiday in the home...
Aim in finding the sampling promoter job or CNY promoter but I failed to find it..
Seriously, I feel myself very lack of confidence..
How come I not believe myself can do the job which requires hitting the sales target every day..
I should believe on myself but I'm not...
and at the end I give up to accept the job...
***Tears dropping****
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