Happy Mother's Day 2014

11/05/2014 (Sunday)
虽然身在大学 无法陪你和爸爸庆祝母亲节
但是 我知道我的妈咪不会介意 
因为你说过 没有庆祝没关系 最重要的是我们记得传个简讯 或打个电话回家 让在家的你们知道我们这群孩子 仍然记得这一天
唯一送给你的母亲节礼物 就是在两年前
那时的我 等着大学录取的成绩 所以就用工作来打发时间
有了薪水 就能买礼物给你了

人长大后 就渐渐发现小时候有多么地不听话
有时候 会回想起我气你的时候
有时候 会回想你当时对我说的话 但是那时的我却觉得你好烦
直到现在某个时候回想起你对我说的话 这时就会觉得你说得对
你总是教导我如何保护自己 如何不让自己吃亏
你总是让我知道外面的世界有多残酷 有多现实
你总是把家里打扫得很干净 放学后回家 脱下鞋子袜子 踏到的地上是干净的
还有你会煮我们爱吃的菜 蒸我爱吃的鱼 炖我爱喝的汤
因为你说 在大学我没得吃那么好料的东西
上了大学 每晚最想念的竟然是妈咪的菜

记得4年前 我知道我真的让你们担心了吧
我知道你们很努力让我知道一段感情不只是你爱我 我爱你那么简单
我知道你们很想让我知道 不是所有男生都是适合的
要看好 选好 选自己最适合的 才能长长久久
我不敢违抗你们 所以决定切断那段感情
但那时我很伤心 伤心了一段时期
后来 上了中6 遇到了现在的他
是他让我找回那恋爱的滋味 让我知道原来我还可以获得允许谈恋爱
可是心中还是会对爸爸妈咪说的话 感到厌恶
渐渐长大了 尤其在进来大学后 看到现实的残酷
假如当初我不听他们的劝告 或许我就没有机会读大学了

我和妈咪 总是在家有说不完的话
每次打电话回去 她总是在电话的一旁说个不停
关心我吃了吗 上课到几点 几时会回家去
每次回到家 我的家就开始便热闹了
在家大声地笑 大声地喊 放肆地吃东西 出去外面玩
最值得骄傲的事有一个38的爸爸陪我一起笑 一起说无聊的东西 我们还会一唱一和
所以在家 是最轻松的

老了  妈咪爸爸都老了
有时候 看到他们一年比一年身体变弱了
身为孩子的我们 看了都会心痛
但 我们都应该明白 人此总会老去
我对自己说 两年大学毕业后 我这个女儿将会扛起这个责任照顾他们
我要带他们去游玩 我要带他们去吃他们想吃但又贵的东西
因为 我真的知道 爸爸妈咪为我付出的真的太多了
或许这一生 我都还不完这个债务


3rd Year Anniversary Celebration in Advance

04/05/2014 (Sunday)

Back to my hometown 4 days because of holidays...
and had my midterm until 30th of April...
Finally, midterm of this semester was finished and temporary say bye to exam..
But then, now is the time to rush assignments...
4 more assignments to complete...

Throw away all the studies stuff when I'm home..
Let's enjoy my 4 days holidays first.. hehe :)
Went back to my hometown on 1st May in the early morning...
Went to McDonald for lunch with my dear and got my magician hello kitty...
Only bought one hello kitty instead of two... Not that desire to collect full set of hello kitty...
Maybe because of the financial problem?? PTPTN is not enough?? 
That was one of the reason.. ..and I think that it is a waste if I spend too money in these kind of cartoon..
Although I love hello kitty very much, but it does not mean that I have to spend my money to buy it..
Therefore, I decided to collect two hello kitty only instead of full set...

And, sincerely thanks to my man..who is willing accompany to get my first hello kitty in this month..
He knew me love hello kitty so much.. He said that he will help me to collect the full set..
But then.. I stopped him to do so and gave him the reason...
Thanks for him... He did a lot of thing for me..and sometimes I really felt touched...

He is my man, my lover and my only Mr.E...
Once got my first hello kitty, let's me took a selfie first before brought it back to home...
It looks cute, my kitty.. and it made my day happy once I bought it..

What is LOVE? For me, Love is a feeling, a strong feeling that wish to together with the person..
The ones who you will miss the most in every second and day...
You wish to know what he is doing every time and you will feel panic when you know he has something happens...
I like to take photos so I wish to have a boy friend who likes to take photos too..
I like to smile so I wish to have a boy friend who also loves to smile every time...
And, I found HIM... Thanks for him never leave me alone in my life...

Sometimes, a couple will spend their dating by doing some 'noob noob' thing..
Just like US.. Like to find stupid things to do when we get bored in our dating...

Mr.E installed one apps called 'snap-clap' in his Iphone and suddenly he jio me played with the apps...
Felt happy and excited when I was inviting to take photos with this apps...
A lot of photos we took and some photos really look funny and stupid face...
But then, we enjoyed the moment we took the photos..
Our labor day's dating was ended with this photos..

Come to the next day... We decided to celebrate our anniversary early a few days as the actual date is 7th of May...We couldn't meet each other and celebrate it on the actual day so we chose to celebrate it in advance..
Went to Ginza Japanese Restaurant to celebrate it...We went there for lunch...
The Japanese foods are delicious and the price is reasonable...
So I would like to recommend all of you who haven't visit to the place...
Worth to have your first try if you like to eat sushi and Japanese food...
and the waitresses are courteous and friendly when they take order from you....

We spent our one hour time to eat lunch and chat at there...
Enjoyed the atmosphere of the restaurant very much...
I wish to visit there for second chance in one day soon...

After enjoyed our lunch, we decided to exchange our anniversary present in the car...
But before of the day...I have seen the anniversary present and he told me the way he completed the present within the time...and I was crying in front of him when he told me every thing...I knew he spent a lot of efforts and time to do this present.. It is a difficult thing if you do not have patience in preparing it...
He searched for help from his friend how to edit the pictures to be perfect...
He faced trouble when he get rejected by the company who is responsible printed out the present...
He sacrificed his sleeping time to prepare this present...
The present flashed back all the memories we have when we are together...
Thanks for him.. Really thank you very much...
You spend a lot in our anniversary as well...I Love you, my only Mr. E...

But then, I have prepared an anniversary present for him too..
We did the same type of present to each other...that is photo album...
The only different was he did it by using computer and I did it by DIY...
Hope he will like my present and keep it well...
My anniversary present for Mr. E

His anniversary present to ME

The celebration is simple yet memorable...Finally, we celebrate it successfully after two years...
It might considers the first celebration of our anniversary although we are together three years...
Thanks for the sweet present and Japanese foods... You treat me very well when the time together with you..
You never say 'NO' if I desire to eat something in sudden...That's the reason I will become fat during our holidays...
Although we couldn't celebrate it on the actual day but I did not mind...
As long as our heart always together and stick with each other...
Hope to have you in the rest of my life...

Lastly, Happy 3rd Anniversary to ME and HIM...Wish that we can stay sweet forever...